How to bring more magic into your life?

Yesterday, I heard an inspiring talk about “magic” and how to integrate it into our business. And – with Christmas only a few days away – today I want to share my personal experience and how you might be able to bring more magic into your life.

I attended an event yesterday, that started with a great keynote by Carmen Sofia (Instagram: @carmensofiamusic). I’d had quite an intense week and felt a bit tired when I arrived but I really enjoyed Carmen’s explanations around leadership and the different, cultural origins of the word “magic”. She told us several stories to show us that part of the magic has to do with something we can neither explain nor control.” And isn’t that exactly what’s so difficult for us?

After her speech, Carmen invited us to close our eyes, and said we should just listen and see what happens, without anticipating anything. She put on background music and started singing one of her songs. My breathing slowed down, I listened to Carmen’s beautiful voice and her words, that really touched me. Everything else was gone. I sat there, still, feeling and accepting my emotions. I started noticing tears in my eyes. It was one of those moments where time seems to stop, and only this moment counted without thinking about what would come next, or what others might think. For me personally, it was magical

I kept thinking about it afterwards, and what I took away from it. My personal reflection is the following – in line with what I’ve shared in other articles around our human being nature (vs. machines and robots, which we are not): We can organize a lot, give our best and there are many things – probably around 90% – that depend on us and our actions. So of course it’s great to have a dream and a vision and define the steps to get there. But – whether we like it or not – there is a little percentage that doesn’t depend on what we DO. Magic happens when we ARE. When we let go of expectations, structure, identity, status, goals, productivity, stereotypes and yes, some of our fears … that’s when we create space for something unique, something we might not be able to put into words. 

I wish you that you enjoy the next days and this special time of the year, the last weeks of 2024, without so many expectations how it all should be.
Wherever you are: Try to lean back, at least in some moments, to be present – with yourself and the ones around you – and just see what happens.

PD: If you feel you are moving too fast and need some help slowing down, read this article:

Founder Little healthy habits ~ Mental balance & Wellbeing ~ Workshops for you and your team ~ Yogi ~ Globetrotter ~ Sales Leader & Advisor ~ Passionate about bringing mental balance to fast-paced organizations.

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