How to calm your nerves through a power pose?

Have you ever heard of the “super(wo)man pose”? A power pose is a great way to calm your nerves, eg. before talking in public.

The majority of us probably knows this feeling: We are “on” in 5 minutes. The audience is waiting. No matter whether we talk about a keynote, a presentation to our team or an important, private conversation we’re about to have. Thanks to the gut-brain-axis, we might even feel the nerves in our stomach. So if the stress can make us feel the nerves in our whole body – is there a way to go the other way around? You already know the good news: We can show our brain that our body is (trying to be) OK, through a power pose, which I love to include in my wokshops (see the picture).
I recommend my participants and you to

  • stand with a straight body and head,
  • put the feet hip-wide apart,
  • arms stretched and hands pointing down and shoulders pull slightly to the back,
  • open the fingers widely,
  • bring out the chest a little bit to the front,
  • smile as much as possible, even if it’s forced in the beginning,
  • breathe naturally,
  • look to the front or close the eyes and FEEL.

It’s crucial to stand at least for 30-60 seconds in this position. It is important to give our body the time to tune into it.
Have you tried this pose for yourself right now? How did you feel?

Why does a power pose calm our nerves?
The reason why this pose is so beneficial is because it improves our proprioception (body awareness and sensation in space) and it calms our emotions, as it tells our brain: “I’m OK, I know what to do, I have the power.”
You can find more around our proprioception in this post:
It’s an easy hack to connect mind and body and boost self-confidence, there have been numerous experiments around that. Smiling increases our mood and relieves stress – even if we fake it. And the great thing I’ve experienced in many workshops: Often, when we smile forcedly, it then turns into a genuine smile and even laugh. That’s the best moment!

I personally love seeing the faces and expressions in the group after experiencing the pose for the first time and besides the positive effects, it’s just so much fun. I recommend you to try it with your colleagues, friends, family, especially if you have kids.
By the way: There are many different power poses. Some prefer to make a fist with one hand and stretch it to the sky. Other prefer to put both hands on the hips. As always: Do what feels good for you, just play around and experiment.

Founder Little healthy habits ~ Mental balance & Wellbeing ~ Workshops for you and your team ~ Yogi ~ Globetrotter ~ Sales Leader & Advisor ~ Passionate about bringing mental balance to fast-paced organizations.

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