Yoga for Self and Society
Today is the international day of Yoga with the theme “Yoga for Self and Society” and I can’t help but reflect on how much yoga has improved my life over the last years and how I honestly believe it improves our society.
The photo from this blog is from the day I completed my yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India, on 28th of February 2023. It was not just the end of a very special time and process (a month of intense training and introspection) but really it was the start of…
…discovering new parts and possibilities of my body,
…connecting to and feeling my body, physical sensations, thoughts, emotions,
…learning how to calm down through my breath and experiencing complete silence,
…being present, in the here and now,
…realizing how important it is to share the wisdom of this over 2000 year old practice,
…building a new, wonderful community.
The ones who have known me long before “my yogi time” know how I always rushed through my days and how hard it was for me to sit still. It was practically impossible for me. I had also always thought I needed fast sports (running, spinning, etc.) to calm down. Turns out I needed to literally put my feet to the ground and connect with the mat and myself – and yoga taught me that. But much more than that:
Yoga helped me to listen to myself, my needs, my ideas, my intuition… it showed me how important it is to pause, to reflect, to take time before taking a decision. And I took the time after this training: I traveled slowly, without rush, all the way from the north to the south of India, and then over to Sri Lanka. I took the time to think about my future and what I really wanted. Deep in my heart I felt the call to share my learnings with as many people as possible, in the easiest and most practical way. And that was how the idea of “Little healthy habits” was born. And today, only 16 months later, I feel incredibly lucky I get to work with all kind of companies sharing how to connect body, mind and spirit. How to feel. How to accept. How to just be. And my vision is to improve work schedules, the way we interact, the way we organize meetings, to bring more mindfulness into the whole Corporate structure. Yes, Yoga helps me to believe it’s possible. I know it is.
The philosophy of Yoga and the Sutras of Patanjali
“Yoga” means unity or oneness, it comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj” = to join. Around 2400 years ago, Patanjali mentioned eight steps as a guideline to live a meaningful and purposeful life, the “eight limbs” (Asthanga, astha = eight, anga = limb). He described them like this:
- Yama = Golden rules/Moral: Ethical standards and sense of integrity eg. nonviolence, truthfulness, nonstealing etc.
- Niyama = Rule / Self-discipline: Self-discipline in action eg. developing a habit like a meditation practice.
- Asana = Posture/physical practice: This is the part we most know and practice in yoga class eg. sun salutations, warrior pose etc.
- Pranayama = Extension of breath: As prana is the life force, the practice of breathing techniques rejuvenates the body and extends our life.
- Pratyahara = Focusing inwards: Drawing our awareness from the external world to our internal world creates space for self-observance and inner growth.
- Dharana = Concentration: Slowing down, focusing our mind on a single point, not letting any distractions interfere. This practice leads to meditation.
- Dhyana = Meditation: Reaching an uninterrupted flow of concentration where we are completely aware without focus.
- Samadhi = Enlightenment: The final stage, where the meditator transcends the Self altogether. Patanjali describes this as complete, inner peace.
As you see, Yoga is so much more than just beautiful, physical postures, like we sometimes see on social media. Yoga is a form of living, breathing and guiding ourselves and others, in order to find a bit of calmness and peace in this often very fast and busy world. The first limb, Yama, is a very important pillar, as Yoga is a community practice and it invites us to contribute to this society in an ethical way. Some of the yogis I met in India have been sitting in meditation for a very long time with the only goal to bring light to this world, through their energy. And the wonderful yogis I know try their best every day to share their knowledge with as many people as possible, so that we all live in more harmony and peace. That’s why I find this year’s theme extremely well chosen: Yoga for self and society. I hope you try it yourself at least once. And I hope you find a bit of calmness and peace today, on this very special day.
If you would like to practice Yoga in all its forms of wellbeing – in community – with your team – please contact me.
I teach Yoga in a very easy, practical, interactive way (focusing especially on everyday movements and stretches, meditation, pranayama and mindfulness techniques) to support you to find more mental balance. My workshops can be done in any office environment and with any kind of clothes (yes, even in a business outfit :). You don’t need any previous knowledge. It’s a session to connect, breathe, learn, feel and to be very present. Yoga is for everyone. And I personally found my mission in building the bridge between the yoga and the business world.
Happy, international day of Yoga!
If you want to learn more about today’s celebration:
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